The Town of Vermilion provides water, sewer, recycling and garbage services to the residents and businesses of the Town.
If you move to the Town of Vermilion, or to a new address within the Town you will need to enroll for these services. A one time, non-refundable fee of $48.00 is charged for a new utility hook-up. Utility bills are normally issued by mail on the 10th of every month. There is also an option to have your utility bill e-mailed to you.
Utilities Department
You can also contact the Town through eServices.
To change your billing preference contact the Utilities Department or call 780-581-2417.
Should you encounter high water consumption or sewer problems please contact the Utilities Department
or call 780-581-2417.
Dye tablets for leak detection are available at the Town office free of charge for any Town water utility customer who suspects a toilet leak. Maximum of three packages per customer.
In an emergency please call the Water on Call at 780-853-0936.
Why do I pay for sewer water?
The wastewater charge is based upon a flat rate as well as the rate of water consumption. Combined the revenues pay for collecting and safely treating the water you produce from flushing toilets, draining sinks, bathtubs and appliances prior to returning it to our river. There is a significant cost to not only the infrastructure but the daily operation of the treatment plant to meet federal and provincial standards.
The rate related to consumption is meant to not only be a reflection of the variable costs to treat higher volumes but also meant to encourage conservation.
While there is a meter on your water pipe, there is no meter on your sewage pipe which is why in billing we rely on the water meter to determine usage rates. Recognizing that some water use might be related to watering lawns, the rates have been designed to only cover the costs of operations as well as infrastructure.
Please click the link below to see how to lower your future bill:
Water Rebates and Conservation - Town of Vermilion
2023 Utility Rates
Residential - $41.84/month
Commercial - $50.95/month
Water Consumption Rate (Residential/Commercial): - $4.05/meter³
Sewer Flat Rate - $16.26/month
Sewer Consumption Rate - $2.52/meter³
Commercial - $22.83/pickup
Commercial - Extra Bin Pickup - $50.22/pickup
Residential - $3.39/month
Commercial - $49.32/pickup
Multi-dwelling - $49.32/pickup
Paying Your Utility Bill
Utilities bills are due upon receipt, however to avoid a late payment penalty, payment must be made by the 2nd business day of the subsequent month. After this day a 2.5% penalty is charged on the outstanding balance.
There are several convenient options to pay your bill:
A convenience fee applies to cover payment and handling processing charges. The convenience fee belongs to paysimply and is not received by the vendor receiving your payment. Convenience fees are charged as follows:
2.5% Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Unionpay)
1.0% Interac eTransfer
2.5% Paypal
Canada Post - cash or debit Payment amount $1.00 - $1,000.00 Fee - $3.95
Payment amount $1,000.01 - $2,000.00 Fee - $5.95
Payment amount $2,000.01 - $3,000.00 Fee - $7.95
Note: To ensure your payment is not late, please pay at least 3 business days in advance of the due date because 3 business days are required for processing.
Benefits of pre-authorized payment plans include:
- Enhanced convenience as monthly payments are automatically withdrawn from your bank account on the last banking day of each month.
- Reduced risk of incurring late payment penalties.
To discuss enrollment into the pre-authorized payment plan for your Utility billing, contact the Utilities Department or call 780-581-2417.
Note: If you are enrolled in the pre-authorized payment plan and are considering changing bank accounts, please ensure that you inform the Utilities Department by the 15th of the month so that the change can take effect before the next withdrawal date. Failure to notify the Town may result in additional withdrawals and/or fees being charged
Pay your bill by sending an e-transfer to
(E-transfers are also available for commercial accounts.)
5021-49 Avenue, Vermilion, AB T9X 1X1
Monday to Friday 8:30AM – 4:30PM
Cash, cheque, or debit is accepted for payment.
There is also an after-hours drop off box located by the main door of Town Hall.
If a utility bill is not paid within 35 days from the date on the bill a service may be subject to disconnection. If disconnected, an additional $50.00 fee will be levied to reconnect the service. Multiple disconnections may result in increased reconnection fees.
Cancellation of Your Utility Service
If you are planning on moving, you are required to cancel your utility service. Once the date of your move is known, please contact the utilities department or call 780-581-2417 so that a final meter reading can be taken and a final utility invoice can be prepared. The Town will require a forwarding address at the time a cancellation notice is provided.
As the customer you are responsible for all usage and charges up until the cancellation date. If no cancellation notice is provided your account may be subject to additional charges.